Saturday, June 9, 2007

...thinking too much about work...

I've been working really closely with a lot of different personalities this week. Sometimes work is stressful, and having to problem solve on the spot is just as difficult as managing each other's personalities. I've been learning from others how to be diplomatic, how to word things properly, how not to stress out when it's not necessary, etc... I'm also measuring a lot of people's motives behind their behaviours, and also their reasons for reacting certain ways. Most importantly, I'm learning to put my pride aside, and try to find a common ground instead of defending myself and working hard to prove I was right. It's so hard when everyone else seems to be trying to prove themselves to each other too!

I'm seeing certain people's deep insecurities coming out in destructive ways, but I'm also realizing that I have just as much the need to prove that I'm doing my job correctly. Why are we all trying to prove that we're right and good enough? Why are we so afraid of being at fault and being blamed for it? Why is our worth housed entirely in our job?

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