Monday, September 17, 2007

good seeing

Our creative imaging class has been stimulating some interesting thought, and though our class hasn't yet come to propel us into lively discussions, I still have been very much inspired in the few discussions and lectures we've had. I'm somewhat more attune to "good seeing" as we've been studying this past week. When you think about it, the reason a good photographer succeeds in capturing a stunning image is because they have the ability to see well - or as I learned, is termed: "good seeing". To take it further, I believe that an artist reaches a height of higher impact when they are able to rid themselves of their self-absorption and self-obsession. Too often, we're way too focused on ourselves, what we want, what we need, and how everything else affects us, that we don't have the capacity or the humility to see beyond the space we occupy and to notice beauty and excellence that already exists around us. It's in times of true selflessness that we are most attune with beauty and truth and how close it brushes us almost every instance of our lives. And to be a truly successful photographer, in my opinion, is to be able to capture and showcase those moments when everyone else seems to have missed it.

Friday, September 14, 2007

1 week in the can

And I finish my first week of class with another blog posting. What I learned this week: I should have a favourite photographer.

I am guilty of not knowing more about photography, its history and its important contributors. So I already have a book on Cartier-Bresson and I will be doing a lot more research. I'm happy to say I've met some really cool people, made a couple good friends, and am looking forward to working and learning with each one of them for the next 10 months. I'm having a ball!

Tuesday night I saw a live show of band #3 of my top 5 current favourite bands that I would like to see live. So far I've seen Sigur Ros, Patrick Watson, and Tuesday night was Mutemath. I now need to see Sufjan Stevens and Wintersleep live and I will have completed my goal of being to each one of their shows. The Mutemath show was incredible, as I expected. It was in a small venue and I was right up front - enjoying all of the sounds and sights. The lead singer is such a performer. Definitely added even more life to their set. They also were projecting random moving images on their backdrop - which was cool - but not as cool as I once thought before I started seeing this sort of thing too often at shows. When I first saw the Absent Sound do this at a show a couple years ago, I was enthralled. Now its glamour has kind of lost its luster, but I still give them an A+ for intent.

I wanted to buy a t-shirt but I'm too poor. All I have is memories... aaaawww....

Monday, September 10, 2007

school cool

I had my first day of school today. No, my mom did not take a picture of me with lunch bag in hand and backpack strapped on securely. I didn't know how much gear to bring, so I brought it all. Even took a couple hours out of my Sunday to "pack" for my first day of school. Turns out all I needed was my journal and pen.

Day 1 of school was fun. Except for the class switch-a-roo they did. I walked into a crowded class full of quiet eager learners, waiting for the teacher to arrive. It was so crowded that I had to scootch my way through rows of students with my 3 heavy bags. (again, in complete silence, and all eyes on the action: which was me) Once I had finally settled into my seat, awkwardly sandwiched between two students after quite the spectacle of "scootching", it dawned on me that every student in this class looked unfamaliar. I threw a general inquiry out to the class - and they confirmed - indeed, you are in the wrong group. Your group is meeting in another classroom.

*blush blush*

Alrighty! So I had to, again, scootch out (not discretely, I'm afraid), and undo my whole entrance. On the way out a girl at the back noticed we were wearing the same black and grey striped t-shirt. I had a lovely conversation with her - in the presence of 12 other pairs of eyes, who had nothing else to do as they sat in utter silence, on their first day of school, waiting for teacher.

I grabbed my bags and escaped with a smile, and some giggles from fellow-students. I was blushing, I'm sure, but at least some of us had a good chuckle about it.

I found my class. Not before I peered into the computer lab, and saw another 12 pairs of eyes look in my direction and point me to the other classroom.

Creative Imaging was my first class and I loved it. I have a feeling my creative juices will be extracted more than I expected and I'm delightfully pleased that they are putting a lot of importance on the art and creativity of photography. This is so much better than a full time job! (and slightly more grueling on the wallet)

Day 1 and my afternoon "lab" consists of reading and commenting in my journal. All of which I am doing under the comforts of my blanket and pillow on the couch. Yes, at home. Too bad it's gloomy & rainy outside. I'd be taking pictures.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Mood = Happy

Reasons -

1) It's a cloudless, sunny, blue-sky day

2) It's Tuesday. I'm not at work.

3) Sipped a cappucino with a baby on my lap this morning.

4) Still apartment-sitting = peace and quiet*.

5) It's week 2 of holidays.

*except between 6:20 and 7:40 this morning. Ms. Loud Walker who lives upstairs had a special someone in bed with her. Unfortunately, it cut into my pre-planned 8 hours of sleep. NOT the sound you want to wake up early to.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

flip flop

It's early Sunday afternoon and I am lounging - in the best way that word could ever mean. It's sunny and 20 outside. The windows are open, but all I hear is the fridge buzz. I am doing NOTHING today and that, in the best way the word could ever mean.

I think I'll start with a walk down the street to return a DVD and maybe I'll stop at the sketchy bargain grocery store to pick up some more lime perrier. I'm a poor student but I still like my perrier. I have to compromise and skip Safeway.

Last night I had a sushi-wine-movie night with a friend. Everything was good except the movie. I won't even mention what it was - let's just say the first movie we ever saw together was Catch and Release, and we're doing better at selecting movies together. We were going to watch Breach but we were afraid that our tiredness might hinder our comprehension levels. We settled for something easier.

It wasn't all that bad - the theme was along the same vein as the Painted Veil, about a marriage in turmoil with a redemptive end and a good dose of forgiveness. It's a breath of fresh air to see those qualities in a movie. These days, endings reach "happiness" with not enough substance and sacrifice.

The sidewalk beckons. I'm going to flip flop my way out of this apartment....