Monday, September 17, 2007

good seeing

Our creative imaging class has been stimulating some interesting thought, and though our class hasn't yet come to propel us into lively discussions, I still have been very much inspired in the few discussions and lectures we've had. I'm somewhat more attune to "good seeing" as we've been studying this past week. When you think about it, the reason a good photographer succeeds in capturing a stunning image is because they have the ability to see well - or as I learned, is termed: "good seeing". To take it further, I believe that an artist reaches a height of higher impact when they are able to rid themselves of their self-absorption and self-obsession. Too often, we're way too focused on ourselves, what we want, what we need, and how everything else affects us, that we don't have the capacity or the humility to see beyond the space we occupy and to notice beauty and excellence that already exists around us. It's in times of true selflessness that we are most attune with beauty and truth and how close it brushes us almost every instance of our lives. And to be a truly successful photographer, in my opinion, is to be able to capture and showcase those moments when everyone else seems to have missed it.

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