Tuesday, October 30, 2007

treading through complacency

We all live by some sort of moral standard, a guide, some sort of code of ethics. We live by what we understand. Our actions are results of what we truly are impressed and influenced by. A lot of times, for a lot of us, there is an incongruence between what we say we believe and what our actions actually play out in our life. To say that we believe something, that we *like* a certain type of teaching or standard, and to say we understand it - yet our life is a poor reflection of that - I would say is the ultimate failure.

Success should be measured by our social and spiritual graces - our ability to relate to and love others, and ultimately our ability to express where that motivation comes from. True understanding of what we strive to follow is only successful when it is lived out in full expression. And that translation from understanding it to living it out is only possible through transformation.

I would encourage everyone to understand something powerful enough that it will transform you into a person of action and result. Anything less than that will lack in power and all the work will be left on your shoulders. And we all know how lazy we are. True impact on the world happens through authentic transformation which happens from understanding the purest form of Truth.

Our quest for spiritual awakening is not one to appease our fears and soothe our sadness - it is one of transformation and change. Anything less than God, in my experience as a seeker, is one of defeat and dead ends. Tapping into transformation and change happens with nothing less than the extraordinary. And for that, you'll need a little more than a fun hobby or a comfy Sunday morning service.

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